Here are some pics that are not on the official picture site... look and enjoy... we did!!!
Rev. Virginia Bieber (AACT) and her husband Ray |

Gave Dr. Barkman this shirt... He wore it with pride. |
This is all that got to the Conference on Friday.. |

Here we are eating for the first time together... |
Here begins our first service on Friday. Rev. |

Judy Moore and Bishop Mat Sanchez sing a special together. |
We are singing a song taught to us by Bishop |

Barbara Jones last year... Satan to the left... to the right... etc.. |
Ministry Store items sent by African, Indian, and |

Asian Pastors for their filing fees... Nice... |
Rev. Amy Barkman's Table |

Dr. Mike Wokomah's table |

Sister Felicity Wokomah singing |

Sister Judy and Brother mat singing again. |

Picking up Bishop Ogbu at the Dallas Ft. Worth |

Airport in Texas. |
Brother Ogbu visiting with others before |

services on Monday. |

Our last meal together.. Happy for the Lord's |

visitation... sad for leaving new friends... |